International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications IJERA is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research. Zero career direction and zero technical speciality for devs Underestimation of difficulty whether through cynicism burn the devs or cluelessness. Applications, Volume 2. No. 5, May. 2. 01. Gupta,Maneesha., garg, Amit Kumar. Kaushik ,Mr. Abhishek., Review Image. Compression Algorithm, IJCSET. November 2. 01. 1 ,Vol 1, Issue 1. Grgic,Sonja., Grgic,Mislav. Performance. Analysis of Image Compression Using. Wavelets,IEEE Trans,Vol. No. 3,June. 2. 00. Kumar,V., V. Sunil., Reddy,M. Indra Sena. Image Compression Techniques by using. Wavelet Transform, Journal of. Vol 2, No. 5, 2. 01. Katharotiya,Anilkumar. Patel,Swati. ,Comparative Analysis. DCT DWT Techniques of. Image Compression, Journal of. Vol 1, No. 2, 2. 01. M. Antonini, M. Barlaud, P. Mathieu, and. I. Daubechies, Image coding using. IEEE Transactions on. Image Processing, vol. April 1. 99. 2. 1. H. Jozawa, H. Watanabe and S. Singhal. Interframe video coding using overlapped. IEEE. International Conference on Acoustics. Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. March 1. 99. 2. 1. H. Guo and C. Burrus, Wavelet Transform. Fast Approximate Fourier. Transform, in Proceedings of IEEE. International Conference on Acoustics. Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. April 1. 99. 7. 1. Antonini,M., Barlaud,M., Mathieu,P. Daubechies. I., Image coding using. IEEE Trans. Image. Processing, vol. 1, pp. Dragotti, P. L., Poggi,G., Compression of. SPIHT algorithm, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and remote sensing, vol. No. 1, Jan 2. 00.