This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Ubuntu systems. Please find here with my code, program is running fine but itab. VCON1. 00. 0 type c. DATA HEX1 TYPE X VALUE 0. Tab Space STRING2. PARAMETERS FSET1. DEFAULT D ITAB. XLS. OPEN DATASET FSET FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT mode encoding DEFAULT. LOOP AT ITABPR. CONCATENATE ITABPR ITMCD. INTO VCON. separated by ccomma. TRANSFER VCON TO FSET. FSET. please tell me, how solve the problem Anil Dandwate. Bosch Chassis System India limited. Jalgaon M. S. India. Centralized Syslog Server Using syslogNG with web Interface using phpsyslogng,What is SyslogNG,Downloads and Documentation,SyslogNg FAQ,SyslogNG Server. I need to download a file from server to my desktop. UBUNTU 10. 04 I dont have a web access to the server, just ssh. If it helps, my OS is Mac OS X and iTerm 2 as a. This tutorial shows you how to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12c 12. Linux system by using the generic installer. The generic installer requires a. Upload and download files using ASP. NET MVC Rachel Appel. Uploading and downloading files are common functions youll see in most websites and apps. Fortunately, its easy to write code to upload and download files using ASP. NET MVC. To start, we need a view and controller pair to upload a file. This is the same HTML and MVC code that you already know. However, there is no need for the model portion of the MVC pattern if you are only uploading files to disk and not working with a database. Otherwise, files can be a property of a model, for example, a profile picture. The upload view. First, we must start in the view by creatingan HTML lt form element. You can create the form with the Html. Begin. Form helper and pass in the following arguments, in the following order for this particular overload signature Action method name Action method that processes uploaded file. Controller name Controller that belongs to above action method. Form. Method Any acceptable HTTP verb. Download File From Web Server Using Correct' title='Download File From Web Server Using Correct' />Appropriate encoding type Using Helpers is a great way to take advantage of built in features of the ASP. NET MVC framework such as accessing routing information to create a link or using strongly typed objects to render HTML. In the case of the Html. Begin. Form helper, we are rendering a lt form element. The Html. Begin. Form helper expects an enctype attribute that designates that the form can send binary data as well as textual data in the HTTP POST request. Since the default encoding type is text plain the HTTP Request will not send binary data that means files to the server along with the usual textual form data, so you must set the enctype attribute to multipartform data or it will not workBelow is a complete sample of an MVC view containing a form with a file input and submit button using Html. Begin. FormUpload, Home, Form. Method. Post. new enctype multipartform data. Html. Anti. Forgery. Token. lt fieldset. Upload a filelt legend. Html. Text. Boxfile, new type file. Upload. lt div. Uploading and downloading files are common functions youll see in most websites and apps. Fortunately, its easy to write code to upload and download files using. Using streams, we can send a file to the user and allow them to either open or save the file on their machine. Jquery. fileDownload. Library jQuery File Download is a cross server platform compatible jQuery plugin that allows for an Ajaxlike file download experience. Open File Dailog box example using Webutil CLIENTGETFILENAME Forms 10g. Adds a webbased user interface to monitor and configure the server Download Windows Installer Windows. In PowerShell, you can download a file via HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP with the InvokeWebRequest cmdlet. ASP. NET Web Forms has a File. Upload Control, but in ASP. NET MVC our options are either a plain HTML element such as lt input typefile or the Text. Box and Text. Box. For Html Helpers or any helper that outputs a file field. Any Html Helper that outputs an lt input typefile tag works. In the example above, the type, id, and name attributes of this tag are all set to file. A quick look in the browser using the IE Developer Tools illustrates what the Html. Begin. Form and Text. Box helpers from the above code sample have rendered When the user clicks the submit button, it causes an HTTP POST submission to HomeUpload, which maps to the Home Controllers Upload action method. The Upload action method receives the file and form data and from there you can perform the actual upload and save the file to disk or put in the cloud. The upload action method. Action methods of MVC Controllers accept incoming HTTP requests for processing. Each HTTP request has a certain way, or method POST GET PUT DELETE etc. The receiving action method must expect that type of request in order to process it. Since HTTP GET is the default, you must apply the Http. Post attribute to the Upload action method. This, of course, matches the methodpost attribute of the HTML lt form element. You can access uploaded files in the action method by querying the argument that is of type Http. Posted. File. Base. The name of this argument, file in the below sample, must match the name of its corresponding file input in the HTML form i. This allows ASP. NET MVCs model binding to occur for file uploads. Ensuring the names match is using a concept called Convention over Configuration and leads to more readable code. Http. Post. public Action. Result UploadHttp. Posted. File. Base file. Content. Length 0. Name Path. Get. File. Namefile. File. Name. Path. CombineServer. Map. PathAppDataImages, file. Name. file. Save. Aspath. View. Bag. Message Upload successful. Redirect. To. ActionIndex. View. Bag. Message Upload failed. Redirect. To. ActionUploads. If you need to upload multiple files, use IEnumerablelt Http. Posted. File. Base instead of a single Http. Posted. File and loop through the collection to access individual files. When completing an upload, be sure that you have the correct permissions to write to the directory you want, then use classes from System. IO to access the file system and save the file. System. IO. Path. Get. File. Name retrieves a file name including its extension, and System. IO. Path. Combine combines two or more strings to create a complete path. Because were working with an uploaded file from HTTP, we need Server. Map. Path to map a virtual path HTTP to a physical directory C. In this case the mapping is from the webroot, i. AppDataImages directory. Im saving files to the AppData directory to demonstrate concepts, but in real world sites it is unlikely that internet users would have privileges to save files there, so check with your sys admin or Web hoster as to where you should upload and download files. The sample code above also overwrites any existing files, so if thats an issue you can generate a unique file name by spinning up a Guid and using that as the name, as shown here var guid Guid. New. Guid If the file to upload is accompanying form data, the controller action method signature should contain the model type and an Http. Posted. File. Base type for the file. For instance, if the file is a users profile picture and part of a Person model, the action method signature should look like the following public Action. Result Upload Person Person, Http. Posted. File. Base file If you are using Convention over Configuration then model binding will take care of everything and all you do is access the methods arguments. How To Install Windows With Pen Drive. In order to download, we need the same MVC components a view and a controller. Well start at the controller. The Download Action Method. Usually the UI presents a list or grid of links or images in which the user can click to download an image or file. What well use for this example is a simple list of links of images to download. We can do this by creating a Listlt string to store the file names in hyperlinks for download. The code below shows obtaining the directory and file information and adding the file names to the list of strings. The method then returns the list of strings as a model to the view. File. Action. Result Downloads. System. IO. Directory. InfoServer. Map. PathAppDataImages. System. IO. File. Info file. Names dir. Get. Files. Listlt string items new Listlt string. Names. items. Addfile. Name. return Viewitems. The view accepts the list of strings and displays them in the page. The Download View. Notice that the model for this view is a Listlt string type instead of a custom object as usual. Of course, this the view consists of a simple for loop that cycles through a list of strings containing the file names and displays them in lt label and lt a tags. The hyperlinks render so that they point to the Home controllers Download action method, and pass in the name of the file as a URL parameter. Cycling through a list of strings means that you can use array syntax i. Modeli to access each member in the list. Listlt string. Downloadslt h. File Namelt th. Linklt th. Model. Count 1 i. Modeli. To. String. Html. Action. LinkDownload, Download, new Image. NameModeli. To. String. The image below is what the download view produces. The Action. Link Helper renders links that point to the Home controllers Download action method, passing in the image name as a query string. Im using the defaults but you might want to consider configuring Routing so that the URL looks friendlier.