Download Update. Star Update. Star. Download the. free trial version below to get started. Double click the downloaded file. Update. Star is compatible with Windows platforms. Update. Star has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be compatible with. Windows 1. 0, 8. 1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2. Windows. XP, 3. 2 bit and 6. Simply double click the downloaded file to install it. Update. Star Free and Update. Star Premium come with the same installer. Update. Star includes support for many languages such as English, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Russian and many more. You can choose your language settings from within the program. Insert, Update and Delete Records in a C Data. Grid. View. Now, go to the frm. Main. cs code and add the System. Data and System. Data. Sql. Client namespaces. System using System. Data using System. Windows. Forms using System. Data. Sql. Client namespace Insert. Update. Delete. Demo public partial class frm. Main Form Sql. Connection con new Sql. ConnectionData Source. Initial CatalogSample Integrated Securitytrue Sql. Command cmd Sql. Data. Adapter adapt int ID 0 public frm. Main Initialize. Component Display. Data private void btnInsertClickobject sender, Event. Args e if txtName. Text txtState. Text cmd new Sql. Commandinsert into tblRecordName,State valuesname,state, con con. Open cmd. Parameters. Add. With. Valuename, txtName. Text cmd. Parameters. Add. With. Valuestate, txtState. Text cmd. Execute. Non. Query con. Close Message. Box. ShowRecord Inserted Successfully Display. Data Clear. Data else Message. Box. ShowPlease Provide Details private void Display. Data con. Ulead Video Studio 8 Serials And Cracks On 1. Open Data. Table dtnew Data. Table adaptnew Sql. Data. Adapterselect from tblRecord,con adapt. Filldt data. Grid. View. 1. Data. Source dt con. Close private void Clear. Data txtName. Text txtState. Text ID 0 private void data. Grid. View. 1Row. Header. Mouse. Clickobject sender, Data. Grid. View. Cell. Mouse. Event. Args e ID Convert. To. Int. 32data. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells0. Value. To. String txtName. Text data. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells1. Value. To. String txtState. Text data. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells2. Value. To. String private void btnUpdateClickobject sender, Event. Args e if txtName. Text txtState. Text cmd new Sql. Commandupdate tblRecord set Namename,Statestate where IDid, con con. Open cmd. Parameters. Add. With. Valueid, ID cmd. Parameters. Add. With. Valuename, txtName. Text cmd. Parameters. Add. With. Valuestate, txtState. Text cmd. Execute. Non. Query Message. Box. ShowRecord Updated Successfully con. Close Display. Data Clear. Data else Message. Box. ShowPlease Select Record to Update private void btnDeleteClickobject sender, Event. Args e ifID0 cmd new Sql. Commanddelete tblRecord where IDid,con con. Open cmd. Parameters. Add. With. Valueid,ID cmd. Execute. Non. Query con. Close Message. Box. ShowRecord Deleted Successfully Display. Data Clear. Data else Message. Box. ShowPlease Select Record to Delete In the preceding code, I created a data. Grid. View. 1Row. Header. Mouse. Click Event for updating and deleting the selected record. When the user clicks on the Row Header of a row then the data present in the cell of the row is stored into the Text. Boxes. The Display. Data method fills in the data in the Data. Grid. View. The Clear method clears the data present in the Text. Box as well as in the IDint variable. Final Preview. I hope you like it.