I had thought it would automatically connect, having been connected before. But it didnt, so I had to connect a keyboard and screen to the Pi, log into the router, make the SSID visible, then retype the password and let it connect again. That was all a bit of a faff. There has to be a better way. Someone must have done this before I want it to be hands free and automatic on booting. So I googled connect to hidden SSID on raspberry pi and came up with a nice blog page with a procedure in. I tried it on my Pi. Jessie a few months old but it didnt work for me it was a bit out of date. I had a quick glance through the comments on that page and found the magic key which made it work. FTWEssentially, the secret sauce that was needed was to add scanssid1 at line 7 of wpasupplicant. Pi to scan for the invisible SSID by name. If youve logged onto a wifi network before on your Pi, youll already have a wpasupplicant. If youve never logged into a wifi network, youlll probably find lines 5 1. Either way, if you make your wpasupplicant. SSID line 6 and wifi password line 8, you should find that it now works as it ought. Also check line 3 is correct for your country. Youll need sudo to edit wpasupplicant. DIRvarrunwpasupplicant GROUPnetdev. SSIDhere. scanssid1. WPA PSK. And then, it should just work every time you reboot your Pi. This was first tested using a virgin install of Raspbian Jessie 1. April 2. 01. 7 edition not updatedupgraded. Ive also just tested it on a brand new June 2. Raspbian. It works perfectly for me on both. Let us know how you get on if you try it.