The voice command from the user is captured by the microphone. This is then converted to text by using Google voice API. The text is then compared with the other previously defined commands inside the commands configuration file. If it matches with any of them, then the bash command associated with it will be executed. You can also use this system as an interactive voice response system by making the raspberry pi respond to your commands via speech. This is be achieved by using the Google speech API, which converts the text into speech. Heres a block diagram showing you the basic working of the voice recognition software for raspberry pi Voice Recognition Software for Raspberry Pi Working. Step 1 Checking Your Microphone. You need to first check whether your microphone records properly and if the mic volumes, etc are high. First, check if your webcam or microphone is listed using the command lsusb. Check if your micwebcam comes up on the list. Next, we need to set the mic recording volume high. Hg5txXOOkY/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Computer Program Voice Recognition Software' title='Computer Program Voice Recognition Software' />To do this, enter the command alsamixer in the terminal. A neat graphical interface shows up, press the updown arrow keys to set the volume. Press F6 all, then select the webcam or mic from the list. Then again use the up arrow key to set the recording volume too high. Alsamixer for raspberry pi. Now, you need to check if the recording takes place properly. Use the command arecord l to check if your micwebcam is listed. Then, use the command arecord D plughw 1,0 test. The sound will be recorded in the file test. To listen to it, plug in your headphones to the pi and enter the command aplay test. If youre able to hear the sound, your microphones works perfectly, else try adjusting the volumes and repeat the previous steps. STEP 2 Installing the Voice Recognition Software for Raspberry Pi. This software was created by Steven Hickson and utilizes Google voice API. To install this software, execute the following commands one after the other wget no check certificate http goo. Krwr. Ba O Pi. AUISuite. Pi. AUISuite. tar. Pi. AUISuiteInstallsudo. Install. AUISuite. Please, not that the wget command in the first line uses two dashes before no check. During the installation, several questions shall pop up. You need to read these carefully and press yn accordingly. I would recommend you to press y for all of them. Some of the questions include Do you want to set a keyword Keyword is a voice command like a name, the system gets activated only when first use this command, Do you want to set filler flag to zeroPress y, else you will always hear Filler Fill before every speech response from the pi, Do you want to install youtube dl A terminal service for playing youtube videos, etc. Options for changing the listening duration and system response is also presented during the installation. Read carefully each of these questions and respond accordingly. Questions you might see while installing the voice control software for raspberry pi. STEP 3 Using the Voice Control Software and Setting up Your Own Commands. You can verify the voice to text conversion by running. Pi. AUISuiteVoice. Command. The software is activated to run continuously when you execute the command sudo voicecommand c in the terminal. By default, the keyword used to activate it is Pi, only when you say this when its listening can you execute the other commands. Check the video below to get a feel of the software. I would recommend changing the keyword from Pi to something else, as the system usually interpreted it for me as Hi. You can change the keyword and other voice commands and actions by opening the commands configuration file. This can be done by entering the command voicecommand e. Inside this, you can see various options for setting the keyword, the speech response, etc. Please remove the before the lines in the file while changing them. Voice commands configuration file. Here, each command is linked to a particular action. Eg Youtubeyoutube search, here when you say for example Youtube android, it runs the command youtube search android in the bash. The stands for anything you say after the command Youtube. In case of the voice command definition play 1 season 2 episode 3 playvideo s 2 e 3 1, here when you say for example play Big bang Theory season 1 episode 4, it executes the command playvideo s 1 e 4 Big Bang Theory, i. Big Bang Theory. So, if you want to add a new voice command to this, for examp a voice command Check internet that uses ping to check your internet connection. Then in the configuration file, enter a line like this Check internetping google. It executes ping google. Check internet. The voice control software in action. Use this system for home automation, robotics, and other cool stuff. This software is quite accurate and swift for your applications. How To Install Brutus On Ubuntu Mate. Now, the video of the voice control software in action.