How To Make Electronic Music With Computer Where To Start I decided to write down some guidelines on how to make electronic music although some of the following tips may apply to other musical genres as well, not just electronic music covering such things as what hardware is required or recommended, what kind of music making software is needed, how to get a hang of different kind of electronic music styles, etc. Do you want to learn how to make electronic music This guide will help you to get started. Die besten Free VST Plugins fr deine Produktionen virtuelle Instrumente und AudioEffekte kostenlos fr Musikproduktion Homerecording. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a Dubstep beat in FL Studio or how I created one. Now, to be honest, Im not an expert in this genre. On Windows and Mac OS X, Audacity is a 32bit application so wont see 64bit versions of VST plugins, even on 64bit operating systems. On GNULinux, 32. Theres a lot of choices in hardware and software, countless of ways to do things in production wise and as many arguments and differing opinions as there are producers. In this article, I try to point you in the right direction in electronic music production, mostly based on my own experience. A little info about myself is that electronic music production has been my longtime hobby for years and Ive been creating music on such genres as trance, downtempo, ambient and experimental. Some of my songs have been released commercially through record labels and have also been used in a film project. Excuse my English, its my second language and not so perfect, but I hope you understand and find these guidelines useful and get your answer on how to make electronic music. Also, if you have any questions, opinions or improvements, feel free to leave a comment UPDATE ON AUGUST 1. Even though I wrote this article back in 2. Ill update it regularly so it should still contain valid information. So, without further ado, lets begin Computer and OSThe computer is naturally a must have hardware if you want to make electronic music. You can actually produce good music with any kind of modern computer I mean anything made in the past 5 years, including a laptop. You also have a choice PC or Mac. Both systems are widely used in many professional and home studios. You can make excellent music with both platforms and most of the music making software are available for both except FL Studio, though the MAC version is coming. The thing is, you should pick a platform youre already familiar with. If youve been using PC, stay with the PC. And vice versa. In that way, you dont have to put time and effort on learning a completely new computer system and you can concentrate more on learning how to make the electronic music. However, like I already mentioned, even though you CAN make music with any kind of modern computer, it will help a LOT to have decent specs. The more CPU power and RAM you have under the hood, the smoother your music software will run and youre able to build much more complex projects without choking your computer. Also, choosing the right kind of hard drive makes difference as well. You might even consider getting a solid state drive known as SSD. Dblue Glitch 1 3 04 Download Free' title='Dblue Glitch 1 3 04 Download Free' />The computer Im using has Intel Core i. ASUS P6. T Deluxe V2 motherboard, 1. GB RAM and 2. 7 widescreen Full HD display and its been a very good computer setup for electronic music production for five years now. If Im going to upgrade this at some point, I probably get the SSD. That will speed up things even more. If youre on the edge of buying a new computer solely for music production and dont have a clue what kind of specs it should have, look at some of the custom built computers that are made for audio production. Check what kind of specs and components they have and start from there. Few words about the OS if you stick with the PC, I can recommend Windows 1. Best Microsoft OS so far it seems to be really stable and working good with my FL Studio 1. Check these online shops for audio computer systems ADK Pro Audio Computers. Scan Computers For Audio. Sound Card Audio InterfaceThese days every modern computer has some kind of on board sound chip so basically, you can start off making electronic music without spending money on an external soundcard or audio interface. If you want to be able to use low latency with your sound chipaudio card and it doesnt have native ASIO support ASIO stands for Audio Stream InputOutput and its a soundcard driver protocol for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing a low latency and high fidelity interface between a software application and a computers sound card, you can use ASIO4. ALL driver. It works with most sound cards even with those on board chips making it possible to use lower latency settings. However, if youre looking for a higher performance andor planning to do a lot of recording from external sources, then the decent quality sound card or audio interface is recommended. At this point, I recommend checking out the Producer. Spots article The Best Audio Interface for your Home Studio. Also, check the Image Lines knowledge base Help choosing a soundcard. I myself have an M Audio Audiophile Delta 2. But there are tons of alternatives too in a decent price range. For example, check out Sound Blaster Z PCIe. Or some of the Focusrite audio interfaces such as Scarlett 2i. Studio Monitors Speakers and Studio grade Headphones. Although I created one of my Dutch dance charts hit songs using only cheap Sony headphones I bought from a local supermarket, decent studio monitors near field monitors are highly recommended. Why Because studio monitors are specifically made for audio production and they give an accurate reproduction of the tonal qualities of the source audio. In other words, they tell you the truth whats REALLY going on in your music in terms of frequencies. The sound is uncolored so there will be no bass or high frequency boosts or anything like that like the normal hi fi speakers or headphones tend to have. This will help you to create music where every sound is in balance depending on your mixing skills of course and this will increase the probability that your music sounds good on different sound systems like car stereos, portable mp. Studio headphones are also recommended, for tracking purposes. Theres a wide range of studio monitors and headphones in the market on all price ranges. The truth is, the more money you put into these the more quality you will get and be aware that many low cost studio monitors actually DO color the sound or artificially boost frequencies even if they label themselves as studio monitors with flat frequency response. A lot of audio professionals vouch for Genelec, Focal or Mackie monitors. They are in the higher price range, but the quality is the best. In a few hundred dollars price range, I recommend checking out the M Audio and KRK Systems. Here are some specific models you may want to check out M Audio BX5a KRK Rokit RP5. G3. As for the studio headphones, check out these Beyerdynamic DT 8. Sennheiser HD 3. 80. Also see Best Affordable Studio Headphones Producer. Spot. comIf you dont have the possibility to use studio quality monitoring systems, use the equipment you have whether its headphones or normal loudspeakers. Dont let that stop you from start making music. However, before releasing your musical production to the public, I recommend that you listen to it through as many different sound systems as possible like normal home and car stereos, etc. Actually, this is recommended to do even if you DO have a studio quality monitors. Also, remember to position your studio monitors right. That makes a huge difference how they sound. I personally have Behringer Truth B2. As studio monitors. A lot of professional say they are not very good, or that they completely suck, but so far Ive been doing ok with them. And after all, I think one of the most important things with your studio monitors is to learn to listen to them. Then you know how your music translates to other audio systems. Im also using AKG K2. Studio headphones occasionally and I must say I like them. Die besten kostenlosen Audio Plugins. Hier gedeiht eine Liste mit den besten kostenlosen Plugins fr die VST Schnittstelle. All diese Free VST Plugins funktionieren mit Windows meist ab XP, sehr viele sind zudem fr Mac OS erhltlich, einige Exoten gar fr Linux. Diese Liste wird regelmig auf den neuesten Stand gebracht, die letzte Aktualisierung erfolgte am 8. Februar 2. 01. 6. Von Felix BaarFor Free VST Plugins. Ob Audioeffekte oder Klangerzeuger, mittlerweile gibt es viele gute bis sehr gute Alternativen zu den kommerziellen Plugins, mit denen Du Musik selber machen kannst. Virtuelle Instrumente und Effekte, die auch fr Mac OS erhltlich sind, sind mit einem Apfel gekennzeichnet und die Exoten fr Linux erkennst Du am kleinen Pinguin. Top of 2. 01. 62. Die besten Free VST Plugins Natrlich sind zahlreiche der Free VST Plugins auch fr andere Schnittstellen erhltlich, vor allem AU Audio Unit im Falle einiger derer, die fr Apples Betriebssystem zu haben sind. Mittlerweile haben wir brigens auch unser erstes Plugin verzeichnet, das als Reason Rack Extension erhltlich ist. Free VST Plugins. Inhaltsverzeichnis. Free VST Plugins. Virtuelle Instrumente. Plugins, die aus eigener Kraft Klnge erzeugen. Zum einen findest Du hier vornehmlich subtraktive Synthesizer. 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