Pump, a Superflo or Magnum Force. Pools over 2. 5,0. High Head pumps like, Super II, Challenger, or the Whisper Flo, with large enough plumbing and filter size. The motors used on pool pumps are all nearly the same, most made by AO Smith, Century or Emerson. There have been many innovations in pump technology in the recent years, with the most notable being Variable Speed pumps, which use a completely different motor type. For Variable Speed pumps to work well, you want to be able to use all speeds, and if you oversize a VS pump to your pool plumbing and filter size, it can cause problems. Fortunately, there are smaller medium head VS pumps, as well as larger high head VS pumps. On very early pool filters, there were no single motion backwash valves, you had to turn several gate valves to reverse the flow through the filter. How to Fix Your Pool Lights By Nick Lally. There are several ways to illuminate the pool and pool area. There can be exterior floodlights, landscaping lighting, pole. Comments about Fernco Toilet Seal Wax Free FTS4 this has been a game changer for homeowners and the trade. Why anyone would go to a wax product versus a water. How to troubleshoot and repair pool pumps by Hayward, Pentair, Jacuzzi. DIY pool pump motor repairs. Replacing a filter pump selection, plumbing and wiring. Aboveground and Inground pools over 2. VS pump, like the Max. Flo VS, Superpump VS or the Super. Flo VS. Larger pools, or poolspa combos and pools with water features can use a high head VS pump, like the Ecostar or the Intelli. Flo. Remember when selecting a new pump to match hp, and pump type and flow rates. Use the Pump Flow Rate Charts, see below also known as Performance Data. This is based on a sample feet of head of 3. This is the only true way to compare pool pumps to each other. How much Head or Resistance is in your system Thats hard to calculate without a lot of math, but to compute resistance as measured in feet of head, you would need to know the resistance value of each length of pipe, every plumbing fitting, valve, pump, filter, heater, etc. But lets keep this simple, shall we If your pool plumbing is very simple, and your pump is fairly close to the pool, you may have 2. If you have 3 or 4 lines coming into the pump, a large filter and maybe a heater, you may have 3. If your pool is quite complicated, with lots of large pipes and extra equipment or water features, with a filter tucked away far from the pool, you may have 4. If you can find the original info from the pool builder, the total resistance may be listed on the spec sheet. As Americans, its natural to want the big V 8 power plant, but a pump that is too powerful could actually prevent filtration while damaging the filter and heater. Pipes or fittings can separate, filter internals can collapse, and heaters can be stripped of copper. When matching pumps to filters, check the Design Flow Rate of the filter on the filter label. The average flow for the pump you select at a given level of resistance should be within 1. Design Flow Rate. Remember also, that a smaller hp motor is going to draw fewer amps, which is going to cost less to operate. If you are careful to match up flow charts, you could actually reduce the hp required, while increasing the head of the pump. For instance, a 12 hp Whisperflo produces about the same amount of flow as a 1 12 hp Super. Pump, at a given resistance, or head. So, you could replace a Super Pump with a smaller Whisperflo pump reducing your amp draw and cutting electrical expense in half. When selecting a new pool pump, if you arent buying the same makemodel, keep it close to the original specifications, and use the Pump Flow Charts. Most systems could handle a small increase in pump size, especially if you are replacing the filter with a larger one, but be careful to match pump flow rate with your filters design flow rate. And remember that the flow charts are assuming a clean filter, when in reality, your overall system resistance will increase as the filter pressure rises. How do pool pumps work The water is pulled from the pool by a brass or plastic impeller that is shaft driven by an electric pump motor. On the way to the pump, the water is under a vacuum, which creates the suction. After the water leaves the impeller, the water is put under pressure, being pushed until it is released into the pool. The design of the impeller and impeller housing creates the suction required to lift water, and the pressure to force it through the filter. An air tight suction side is necessary without air leaks to create the vacuum to pull the water from the pool. The electric motor is powered from a breaker on your electric panel or fuse box, at 1. Usually motors over 2 hp need 2. V power to operate, and most smaller hp pumps convert to accept either 1. Above ground pumps are often 1. V only, and have a pump power cord for GFCI outlet power. Electrical consumption will vary by pump, and manufacturers have been designing motors and pumps the wet end which are more efficient and consume much less energy than older pumps. Energy efficient motors draw fewer amps the smaller the amperage draw of the motor, the less expensive it is to operate. On motors with reversible voltage 1. How To Install A Pool Light Gasket© 2017