Step by step procedure with screenshots to install Windows 7 and Windows 8 from USB drive or pen drive. There are good detailed install instructions for windows here. It is important that you install the addition files, and copy them to the mosquitto directory as mentioned in the article. To get these additional files you will have to install additional software packages on Windows and copy the files them from there. However if you have these files already then you can use them on other machines without going through the install see quick windows install below. When you have installed Mosquitto this is what the mosquitto directory looks like when finished. Note 1 above screenshot is missing some files from cygwin as it was installed and the files were in the right path. Note 2 there is readme windows. Here is a complete list of additional files that you need cygcrypto 1. VC2. dllssleay. 32. Windows 8 Can T Install Updates on this page. Quick Windows Install. If you have already installed Mosquiito on another windows machine e. XP and want to install it on another machine e. Windows 1. 0 then you can just copy the directory containing the mosquitto files. I copied my windows XP install 3. Windows 7 machine and it worked OK. Ive create a zipped directory which Ive used on Windows 1. Windows 7. You can download it here Dont forget to virus check it let me know if you have any problems with it. Just unzip it go to the directory and run the broker manually as covered below. Starting Mosquitto on Windows. If you have installed Mosquitto using the install. This is what you want in a production environment but for testing you will want to start it manually. To stop the mosquitto server if it is running as a service. You can stop the broker and change the automatic startup settings so it doesnt automatically start on Windows start up. Note On my install on XP it wouldnt start as a service and gave error code 1. This wasnt a problem because I wanted to start it manually anyway. To start the broker manually open a command prompt and go to the mosquitto install directory and type mosquitto. You can also use various command line switches. Typemosquitto hfor help. Installing The Mosquitto Broker on Linux. The download links and install directions for Linux are here. I followed the install instructions for Ubuntu but they seemed to miss a few important steps. Here are the steps I used for Linux Mint. It should automatically start mosquitto. To Stop and start the service I needed to usesudo service stop mosquittosudo service start mosquitto see note later. Most sites I discovered where using the format. However it seems newer installations use upstart initialization system instead of the init. The stopstart scripts start the mosquitto broker in the background and also use the default mosquitto. If you want to see control messages on the console then you need to start the mosquitto broker from a command line. You first need to to stop the broker from running, and then type mosquitto v. Testing The Install. To test it is running use command netstat at for Linux and netstat a for Windows. You should see the Mosquitto broker running on port 1. Starting Mosquitto Using a Configuration file. The configuration file mosquitto. MQTT broker doesnt need it. To start mosquitto using a configuration file use the following command On windows the mosquitto. On linux you can find the mosquitto. It is a good idea to create a copy of this file before editing it. Enabling Logging. This is useful for troubleshooting. Logging is already enabled in the default config file so all you need do is start mosquitto with this config file. Important Note on Linux although you stop mosquito from running using the commandto start it use mosquitto c etcmosquittomosquitto. On Windows you may also need to specify the path to the config file e. You can also use a command line switch v to enable logging mosquitto v. Running Multiple Mosquitto Brokers. You can configure a broker to listen on several ports, but to create multiple brokers with their own configurations then you will need to start multiple instances of mosquitto. See Quick Guide to the Mosquitto. Examples Start mosquitto and listen on port 1. Start mosquitto as a daemon and listen on port 1. Start mosquitto as a daemon and use the mosquitti 2. Windowsmosquitto c c mosquittomosquitto 2. Linuxmosquitto c etcmosquittomosquitto 2. Useful Linux Commands. To stop Mosquitto when running as a daemon ps aux grep mosquittopgrep mosquittokill 9 PID that you get from above commandMosquitto Client Scripts. The windows install includes the client scripts, on Linux they need to be installed. Usesudo apt get install mosquitto clients. There is a simple subscriber clientmosquittosuband a publisher clientmosquittopub. Usemosquittosub help. They are useful for some quick tests. See Using The Mosquittopub and Mosquittosub Client Tools Examples. Notes I didnt get the scripts to work on Windows XP Error not a vaild win. On Windows 7 and 1. I found the file on my system and copied it to the Mosquitto directory and they worked OK. Other Tools. MQTTlens is also very useful for troubleshooting and quick testing. It is an add on for the chrome browser. It lets you publish and subscribe to topics using a web interface, and is much easier to use than the command line clients. Mosquitto Configuration Tutorials. Other Related Articles and Resources Save. Save. Please rate And use Comments to let me know more. Total 2. 0 Average 4.