ABAP 7. LINEEXISTS to check record in ITABAs name suggests, this new predictive function checks if the Line is available in the internal table or not. Introduction. LINEEXISTS can be used instead of the Table Expressions. Here are the few things to consider LINEEXISTS is same as READ TABLE TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. SY SUBRC CHECK. The call doesnt return any value. It only checks if the line is there in the table with specified key or not. This Function doesnt set the system field SY TABIX. So, this cant be used if you want to use the Parallel Cursor. So, I think you would need use still use the old READ TABLE statement. From SAP Help, This function should be used carefully you should not use this function to first check if the line is there in the table and than use the table expression to read the table. Instead of that, only the table expression assigning to Field Symbol followed by catching the exception as you did in the article ABAP 7. Table Expressions to Read Modify ITAB line, example 5. When to use LINEEXISTSAs mentioned earlier, it can only replace few instanced of the READ TABLE TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS which are not using the result value. If you want the result value, use the Table expression instead. If you want to use the SY TABIX, you would need to use the old READ TABLE statement. I got excite to replace my parallel cursor algorithms but I think I would need to halt on that Lets see few example. Example Simple Usage with SY fields behavior. Welcome to Zevolving place where you find one of the best articles, tutorials for ABAP. Wildcards are characters that help search data matching complex criteria. Wildcards are used in conjunction with the comparison operator LIKE, NOT LIKE, percent. 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SAP ABAP i About the Tutorial ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming, is a fourthgeneration programming language, used for development and customization. Check if the line exist with the value which exists in the table, followed by the entry which doesnt exist with equivalent old code. DATA tdata TYPESTANDARD TABLE OF i. DATAlvvalue 9. APPEND sy index. TO tdata. RITE New, lvvalue. IF lineexists tdatatableline lvvalue. Development resources, articles, tutorials, samples, codes and tools for. Net, SQL Server, Windows, Windows Phone, SAP and ABAP, like SAP UI5, Screen Personas, etc. Introduction to Pragmas in sap abap pragmas introduced in 7. EhP2 to replace Pseudo Comments for Extended Program Check SLIN. WRITE 2. 0Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0Not Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0SUBRC, sy subrc. TABIX, sy tabix. INDEX, sy index. WRITE New, lvvalue. IF lineexists tdatatableline lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0Not Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0SUBRC, sy subrc. TABIX, sy tabix. INDEX, sy index. WRITE lt lt lt lt OLD, lvvalue. READ TABLE tdata TRANSPORTINGNO FIELDSWITH KEYtableline lvvalue. IF sy subrc EQ0. WRITE 2. Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. Not Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0SUBRC, sy subrc. TABIX, sy tabix. INDEX, sy index. As you can notice from the output SY TABIX, SY INDEX, SY SUBRC doesnt reset from the LINEEXISTS call. ABAP7. 40LineExistsExample1. ABAP7. 40LineExistsExample1 width4. Example Simple Negative Usage with SY fields behaviorlt h. Negative check using NOT and NE. X title. WRITE New, lvvalue. IF NOT lineexists tdata tableline lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0 Not Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0 Found, lvvalue. WRITE lt lt lt lt OLD, lvvalue. READ TABLE tdata TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY tableline lvvalue. IF sy subrc NE 0. WRITE 2. 0 Not Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0 Found, lvvalue. ABAP7. 40LineExistsExample2. ABAP7. 40LineExistsExample2 width4. Example Compare with Table Expression and LINEEXISTS and READlt h. X title. WRITE New, lvvalue. IF NOT lineexists tdata tableline lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0 Not Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0 Found, lvvalue. WRITE New with. Table Expression, lvvalue. DATAlvnum tdata tableline lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0 SUBRC, sy subrc. TABIX, sy tabix. INDEX, sy index. CATCH cxsyitablinenotfound. WRITE Not found. WRITE lt lt lt lt OLD, lvvalue. READ TABLE tdata TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY tableline lvvalue. IF sy subrc NE 0. WRITE 2. 0 Not Found, lvvalue. WRITE 2. 0 Found, lvvalue. Even table expression dont reset the SY TABIX field. ABAP7. 40LineExistsExample3. ABAP7. 40LineExistsExample3 width4. Example Multiple Component checklt h. LINEEXISTS works withsimple multiple component checkas well. X titleMultiple Components. TYPES. BEGIN OF tydata. TYPE kunnr. name. TYPE name. 1. ort. TYPE ort. 01. land. TYPE land. 1. END OF tydata. TYPES ttdata TYPESTANDARD TABLE OF tydata. WITHDEFAULT KEY. ATAitabmulticomp. VALUE ttdata kunnr 1. ABCD ort. 01 LV land. NV kunnr 4. XYZ ort. LA land. CA. WRITE NEW. IF lineexists itabmulticomp kunnr 4. WRITE Customer found. WRITE Customer Not found. WRITE OLD. READ TABLE itabmulticomp. TRANSPORTINGNO FIELDSWITH KEY kunnr 4. IF sy subrc EQ0. WRITE Customer found. WRITE Customer Not found. Output. Example Chaining of Table Expression within LINEEXISTS now allowed. Itab Deep. TYPES. BEGIN OF tyalvdata. TYPE kunnr. name. TYPE name. 1. ort. TYPE ort. 01. land. TYPE land. 1. tcolor TYPE lvctscol. END OF tyalvdata. TYPES ttalvdata TYPESTANDARD TABLE OF tyalvdata. WITHDEFAULT KEY. DATAitabalv. VALUE ttalvdataFirst Row kunnr 1. ABCD. ort. 01 LV land. NV color table. VALUE Color table First Row fname KUNNR. Color Table 2nd Row fname ORT0. Second row kunnr 4. XYZ. ort. 01 LA land. CA. if lineexists itabalv kunnr 1. Computer Program Voice Recognition Software. ORT0. 1 color col colbackground. This produces the syntax error that it doesnt like it. What do you thinkI think I would more use the READ TABLE as generally need to get the access to SY TABIX for parallel cursor. Table of Content ABAP 7. SAP CRM WEB UI 4. BASICS OF BOL PROGRAMMING. SEND AN EMAIL TO CRMWEBCLIENTGMAIL. COM IF YOU WANT BELOW CODE. BOL PROGRAMMINGAP CRM WEBCLIENTIVES INTRODUCTION TO basic activities like search, create. DATA lrcore TYPE REF TO clcrmbolcore. BOL, we need to start the MODEL component set usingCORE class. ONEORDER component set. TRY. CALL METHOD lrcore loadcomponentset. EXPORTINGivcomponentsetname ONEORDER. CATCH cxcrmgenilgeneralerror . ENDTRY. omponent is loaded, so we can use the BOL services. Let us search for a particularontract. DATA lrquery TYPE REF TO clcrmboldqueryservice,lrresult TYPE REF TO clcrmbolbocol. SEARCH OPERATIONget the instance of dynamic search object,which will be used to search service contracts. BTQSrv. Con . Every dynamic search object will have its own result type object. BTQSrvcon has BTQRSrvcon as result object. BTQRSrvcon. we got the instance, so we need to set the selection criteria. DESCRIPTIONivsign Iivoption EQivlow testing . Let us print the contract id and description of all records in teh collection. BUSINESS OBJECT LAYER. DATA lrentity TYPE REF TO clcrmbolentity,lvobjectid TYPE string,lvdescr TYPE char. WHILE lrentity IS BOUND. EXPORTING ivattrname OBJECTID RECEIVING rvresult lvobjectid . DESCRIPTION with data element. EXPORTING ivattrname DESCRIPTION IMPORTING evresult lvdescr . WRITE lvobjectid, lvdescr. WRITE . read the next record in the collection. ENDWHILE. UPDATING OPERATIONLet us change the description of one service contract. Every collection holds one pointer which always points to the current record we visited. We generally call it is a focusin the BOL language. IF lrentity IS BOUND. BOL. can we use the set property as string directly on this lrentityNo, it is dynamic query result object, generally all properties of these type objects are read only. DESCRIPTION is property of BTAdmin. H object. we need to get it using the relations. We need to take help from MODEl to seewhat are the relations that we need to go through to reach the target object. Transaction GENILMODELBROWSERin our scenario, we have BTQRSrvcon as a soruce in the lrentity variable. This object has a relation Association BTADVSSrv. Con Child Cardinality 1which will give the object BTOrder. BTOrder is having a relation Composition BTOrder. Header Child Cardinality 1, which will fetch the target object BTAdmin. H. this object hasan attribute DESCRIPTION. N, then relation will fetch multiple entities. GET RELATED ENTITY when cardinality is 0. GETRELATEDENTITIES when cardinality is 0. N. DATA lrorder TYPE REF TO clcrmbolentity. BTORDER first. the parameter ivmode will take another value b, which stands for bypassing the buffer. APIs. it can decrease the performance. TRY. CALL METHOD lrentity getrelatedentity. EXPORTINGivrelationname BTADVSSrv. Conivmode clcrmbolentity bypassingbuffer. RECEIVINGrvresult lrorder. CATCH cxcrmgenilmodelerror . ENDTRY. we got the order, then read the BTAdmin. H. DATA lrheader TYPE REF TO clcrmbolentity. IF lrorder IS BOUND. TRY. CALL METHOD lrorder getrelatedentity. EXPORTINGivrelationname BTOrder. Headerivmode clcrmbolentity bypassingbuffer. RECEIVINGrvresult lrheader. CATCH cxcrmgenilmodelerror . ENDTRY. ENDIF. we got the BTadmin. H. change its DESCRIPTION property. IF lrheader IS BOUND. BOL object, we need to lock it. IF lrheader lock abaptrue. BOL objects. EXPORTING ivattrname DESCRIPTION ivvalue changed . ENDIF. once change is done, we need to tell about this change to the framework. DATA lrtransaction TYPE REF TO ifboltransactioncontext. IF lrtransaction IS BOUND. IF lrtransaction checksavepossible EQ abaptrue. IF lrtransaction save EQ abaptrue. ENDIF. we changed the object description. EXPORTING ivattrname DESCRIPTION IMPORTING evresult lvdescr . ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. CREATE operation. Let us create one service contract and fill some of its properties. DATA lrfactory TYPE REF TO clcrmbolentityfactory,lrordernew TYPE REF TO clcrmbolentity,lsparams TYPE crmtnamevaluepair,ltparams TYPE crmtnamevaluepairtab. PROCESSTYPE. lsparams value ZSZ. APPEND lsparams TO ltparams. CORE classto get the instance of required factory class by sending the root object to itsmethod get entity factory. CREATE method of factory class by sendingthe necessary parameters. BTOrder . EC NOTEXTlrordernew lrfactory create ltparams . IF lrordernew IS BOUND. BTOrder is having only GUID, we need to get BTAdmin. H entity to fill up some of its properties. TRY. CALL METHOD lrordernew getrelatedentity. EXPORTINGivrelationname BTOrder. Headerivmode clcrmbolentity bypassingbuffer. RECEIVINGrvresult lrheader. CATCH cxcrmgenilmodelerror . ENDTRY. fill the properties using the setter method. IF lrheader IS BOUND. BOL objects. EXPORTING ivattrname DESCRIPTION ivvalue New Contract . IF lrtransaction IS BOUND. IF lrtransaction checksavepossible EQ abaptrue.