Patches also arent always security issues. Many times patches will provide increased functionality to the virtual machines hosted on the Xen. Server. Applying these updates is typically very easy and straight forward and can be done remotely or with local media local to the Xen. Server. While this article is going to walk through applying patches to one Xen. Server, it is important to note that in the event that multiple pooled Xen. Servers need updated, tools exist to allow the pool master to push the updates out to all of the other Xen. Servers in the pool Lets begin the process of updating a single Xen. Server by means of local media. VirtualboxVirtualBox vmwareVirtualBox Innotek Sun Microsystems. Local in this instance means that the administrator has put the update files onto a CDDVDUSB or similar device and will physically connect this media to the Xen. Server needing updated. The first step in this whole process is to obtain the patches. Publicly available patches can be obtained from the following URL http support. CTX1. 38. 11. 5This guide is going to walk through installing the Xen. Server 6. 5 SP1 patch both using local media as well as remotely sending the update files to the server and then updating remotely. The patch files are located here http support. CTX1. 42. 35. 5This supplemental pack contains a lot of the patches already put out for Xen. Server 6. 5. It is important to note Citrixs notes about any patch as many patches require other patches be installed BEFORE The only prerequisite for this patch is that Xen. Server 6. 5 be installed which should be covered already. The file can be downloaded via http or via the wget tool. XS6. 5ESP1. Installing Patches with Local Media. Once the file is downloaded, the contents of the zip file need to be extracted. This can be accomplished with gui tools or via the command line using the unzip tool. XS6. ESP1. Upon successful completion, two files should now exist in the current working directory. The one of importance will be the file with the extension. Unpack Xen Patch Update. Now the file XS5. ESP1. xsupdate needs to be copied to the installation media. Once the file has been transferred to the media, connect the media to the Xen. Server in need of the patch. At this point a monitor and keyboard connected to the server will be needed to complete the update process. Upon connecting a monitor to the Xen. Server, the Xen. Server control panel page should be visible. Scroll down to the Local Command Shell selection and hit enter. Xen Server Local Command Shell. Calibri Font Download Mac Pages. This will prompt the user for the Xen. Server root user password and upon successfully entering that password, the user will be in a command prompt within the Xen. Server. At this point, the local media will need to be mounted to be accessible to Xen. Server. In order to do this, the name of the block device needs to be determined using the fdisk utility. Find Media Disk. From this output the device name of the USB device plugged into the Xen. Server can be determined as devsdb. Mounting this device can be accomplished using the mount utility. Mount Device. Assuming that the system didnt throw out any errors, the USB device should now be mounted to the mnt directory. Change to this directory and make sure that the update file is indeed showing up in this directory. Check Mounted Device. At this point, the update file is accessible to the server and ready to be installed using the xe command. The first thing to do is prepare the patch file and obtain the UUID of the patch file with the xe patch upload command. This step is important and must be done xe patch upload file nameXS6. ESP1. xsupdate. Prepare Xen. Server Patch File. The box in red above is the output from the above command and will be needed when ready to actually install the patch to the Xen. Server system. Now the UUID of the Xen. Server itself is needed and can be determined again by passing arguments to the xe command. Check Xen. Server UUIDAgain the box in red is the UUID value that will be needed in order to apply the patch to this particular Xen. Server. At this point all of the necessary commands have been run and the UUIDs determine. Once more using the xe command with different arguments, Xen. Server will be instructed to install the supplemental pack to this local system. Apply Patch to Xen. Server. At this point, the system will begin installing the update but will show nothing more than a flashing cursor until the process is completed. Once the system returns to a command prompt, the system can be checked to confirm that the patch was indeed installed again using the xe command with different arguments. This command will list all patches applied and then pipe that output into grep which will search for the string sp. If nothing is returned, then the patch likely did not install successfully. List Xen. Server Installed Patches. If the command returns output similar to the above screen shot, then the supplemental pack was installed successfullyThe Best Windows Hosting October 2. A Windows driven hosting solution can provide significant advantages for those using ASP and. NET scripts or Microsoft Exchange at a premium price. But before discussing this, lets get one things out of the way You dont need a Windows server just because you use a Windows PC or laptop. Web hosting is completely independent of your own set up at home or in the office. Reasons to Get Windows Hosting. Most low cost hosting is provided on Linux servers, but a Linux set up isnt suitable for everyone. If you design your site using ASP and. NET, youll need a Windows host to properly support it. And there are some other good reasons to reject Linux hosting, too. Choosing a new hosting plan is a complicated process. As well as different capacities and resource allocations, youll also come across different platforms Windows and Linux. There are various versions of both to choose from. Before signing up, you will need to decide whether Linux hosting will be the right option for your site, or whether you should invest in Windows hosting. The majority of the worlds websites are hosted on Linux servers. Heres why. While Linux is a great general purpose operating system, youll need Windows for specific applications and technologies. Youll need a Windows server for anything that requires the. NET framework. Specifically, Windows is required for anything written in ASP which stands for Active Server Pages, so the clue is in the name or ASP. NET. You will also need a Windows server if youre working with Visual Basic VB, Cold. Fusion or C. Windows is required if you need to hook into any products in the Microsoft stack, such as Exchange, or if youre working in Share. Point. This includes designing content in Share. Point Designer. If you need to host legacy content built in Microsoft Front. Page, it is advisable to use a Windows server for this, as Microsoft will continue to support the required Front. Page Extensions until July 2. Read more about Front. Page Extensions on our blog. When Windows Wont Work. If you need to use PHP, CGI, Perl or Python, Linux is a better choice because its more of an all rounder. And while Word. Press can be installed on a Windows server, its much wiser to go with Linux because theres far more support and documentation available to help you resolve any problems. In terms of databases, check with your host to see what they offer. Linux tends to use My. SQL, while Windows servers usually run MS SQL and MS Access, to some degree. If you know youll need to SSH into your server, you will need to go with Linux hosting. Control Panels. Hosting control panels vary from host to host, and we recommend sticking with what you know. If you know how to use Plesk, and you find it productive, youll find that many Windows hosts support it as will some Linux hosts. However, if you prefer c. Panel and WHM and want to stick with those applications, you must host your site on a Linux machine. There are some other control panels on Windows servers alongside Plesk. Direct. Admin is one of the more common. One handy feature of Windows hosting is the ability to use Remote Desktop direct from your Mac or PC to your server. This is normally only allowed on dedicated server plans. Pros and Cons of Windows Hosting. All web hosts will allow you to get a simple website online. However, we recommend that you choose Linux hosting unless you have a specific reason to choose Windows. Why On the plus side, Windows Is easy to use and requires less interaction with the command line. Is arguably easier to manage and update than Linux, particularly if youre not experienced with hosting. Supports the specialized scripting languages weve already covered. Is just as stable as Linux if managed correctly by the host. But beware of Windows hosting if The script you need is written in PHP its generally easier to use PHP on Linux boxes. You dont know your way around Word. Press. Support for Word. Press on Windows is not easy to come by, and it may require custom configuration. You want the cheapest shared hosting you can find. Windows is always more expensive, and a few extra bucks will quickly mount up over a monthly subscription. You want to stay loyal to a particular hosting company. Not all hosts provide Windows hosting. You need Apache, or a specific Apache module. You want the flexibility to customize your server. For those willing to pay a little more and tinker a little less, Windows based hosting provides a stable platform for building robust Internet applications and websites. Related ASP. NET, ASP, MSSQL. How To Install Hypervm On Centos 6© 2017